Around the world, too many people remain formally and informally excluded from the economy. They are therefore denied opportunities that would help them succeed, live a better life, thrive, and make our planet a better place to be. Among the multiple causes of this situation, the lack of access to the right financial solutions adapted to the needs of this population is a major challenge.

IFA was created in 2016 to contribute to the resolution of this global challenge by engaging with key stakeholders to develop viable and sustainable models enabling all the components of the society to easily and safely borrow, save, purchase insurance coverage, and pay for their daily transactions.

Our financial inclusion approach places the ultimate service users at the center of the process of the model’s design. Financial inclusion is a complex and challenging agenda and requires a good balance between social and business considerations.

IFA seeks to drive Digital financial services as a viable strategy to ensure financial services as a basic human need that puts all people on the pathway to social and economic empowerment.

Since its creation, IFA provided technical advice and support to a variety of clients including financial services providers and donors in areas such as digital financial products development, testing and rolling out, feasibility analysis, financial inclusion strategy, business model design. 


To create a world where each segment of the population can access financial services and effectively use it to create social value.


We assist and support our clients in pushing the boundaries of Alternative Delivery Channels to increase inclusive finance worldwide through innovative digital finance and viable financial education models as well as the development of effective country-level inclusive finance strategies, research and knowledge sharing

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